Precious Otherworld: Teva Livne and Morgane Richer La Flèche
Join Teva Livne and Morgane Richer La Flèche in celebrating their first ever duet exhibition in New York City — Precious Otherworld, on view at Shelter Gallery, 127 Eldridge St from December 15 - January 21, 2024
letter 02: michelle__nia
vol. 2: meet the artists
Love Letter goes IRL in NYC
The Spirit of Issey Miyake: Designing experimental clothing in the 90s
Totems : August
Pure turquoise, mango, & musings from Art Objects by Jeanette Winterson… <3
Summer of: Gothic details, monochrome white, Edwardian silhouettes
A dreaming heart
Sublime renewal in Cancer season: The golden rainfall in McQueen ss98
Neo-Ethereal Shapes: Alexander McQueen ss97
Francesca Woodman: On Being an Angel
Some books leave you feeling much more than you intended to feel. They may even help you remember to locate the truth of your emotions, to feel how you feel, just as Francesca Woodman’s book of photographs, On Being an Angel allowed me to feel. This love letter is addressed to the book that started this space of love letter.