Francesca Woodman: On Being an Angel
Written by Jess Parsons
Dear Francesca Woodman: On Being an Angel,
Honestly: It feels like pure, alchemical magic to me, when somehow, flipping through pages of photographs or grasping onto lines of poetry can lead you to this new place, a more honest emotional space. Arriving to these beautiful experiences of transformation are what fueled me to create love letter — To let a work of art, design, or a precious book allow you to land in this moment, to feel your hands touch the page, or feel your own gaze on your screen — to feel a sense of discovery + inner pause.
On Being an Angel took me to one of these new places within, a place of inner blooming, softness, unfiltered vulnerability. A raw, gorgeous undone sense of self. Like a tree letting go of its leaves, and watching them rush far away with the wind, this sensation of letting go inspired me to respond by creating textual, photographic images, a series called feel how you feel.
In November 2020, I shared this series + wrote Feel how you feel : Francesca Woodman.
Now, it is May 2021, and I still feel this sense of being lost & found in her luminous black & white photographs of her self — her body appears ghostly, as an angel, neither here nor there. Celestial, earthly, levitating, somewhere in between, always. (Maybe how I also feel, always.)
Perhaps, this state of being an angel points to an eternal cycle of arrival & departure, from souls traveling from earth to heaven & back, from form to formless, or one feeling to the next. As both the subject & object of her own photographs, Francesca becomes something gorgeously intangible, like a cloud, shifting in space over time, watching herself exist, become, & dissolve, quietly in the frame.
In many images, the slow shutter speed renders her nearly formless, but we sense her deep presence, with only the light & the camera capturing her. For only a brief moment, we too can catch ourselves in this state of angel. I cherish this book of her art & the mysterious beauty it offered to me, to see myself & desires so lucidly. ✧